The use of data probes
and sensors is a highly promising area
of development for science education and
innovative applications of information and communication technologies
interactive learning environments. This first-year Media X Network
projectthrough a well-planned workshop that engages leaders
in learning technologies and science educational applications of
sensors and probes, and across research, industry and education
sectors including Stanford and Omronaims to:
- brainstorm and document a broad set of educational
scenarios for which sensor networks would be powerful in enhancing
learning content and promoting science educational engagement
(in middle school, high school and college);
- couple these with specific subject matter disciplines
in the curriculum where these scenarios would be fruitful if
established in practice and made to fit with or augment the learning
opportunities defined in the national K-12 science learning standards
that define "what students should be able to know and do" (see
NRC, 1996);
- identify best practices in the uses of sensors
and probes in science and environmental education, including
research groups, industry, and key references, which will be
documented in a project website;
- consider possible testbeds in schools, museums,
and universities where we could in subsequent years pilot sensor
network educational prototypes and scenarios developed through
collaborative work with those involved with the workshop (and
other experts to be identified); and
- establish tentative priorities concerning which
of the scenarios might be productively pursued in "deep
dives" toward prototype development and affiliated field
studies that would test them out with learners in "testbed
environments" (in subsequent years of the project).