

the workshop





Stephen Bannasch, Ph.D.
The Concord Consortium
Stephen Bannasch, Director of Technology for the Concord Consortium, manages technical planning and development. He pioneered the technology used in educational applications of computer interfaces to laboratory experiments (microcomputer-based labs or MBL). Dr. Bannasch is currently working on the Data and Models project developing new physical and computer models for helping kids understand heat and temperature. He also works with the Exploratorium in San Francisco developing handheld computers and wireless communication to allow visitors to explore exhibits in greater depth. Homepage

Corey Brady
Texas Instruments
Corey Brady is an educator and a developer of education materials that use Web and network technologies effectively. As an instructional designer and programmer, and later as chief education officer and chief operating officer, Mr. Brady helped to conceive, create, and manage the online mathematics curriculum products of Boxer Learning, Inc. He is now with Texas Instruments, as manager of product strategy for the TI-Navigator networked classroom solution.

Michael Eisenberg, Ph.D.
University of Colorado, Computer Science
Michael Eisenberg leads the Craft Technology Group at CU Boulder. Craft technology refers to the interweaving of computation with craft materials both new and old. This blending can take many forms, including the application of specialized software to aid in the design and construction of traditional crafts such as quilting and origami and in the creation of craft objects with embedded intelligence. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, and an active member of the Institute of Cognitive Science and the Center for Lifelong Learning and Design (L3D). Professor Eisenberg's research interests include mathematics and science education, educational technology, end-user programming, and spatial cognition. He holds MS and PhD degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Homepage

Dusan Jevtic, Ph.D.
Omron Advanced Systems
Dr. Jevtic joined OAS in 2003. He evaluates new technologies and businesses based on his extensive expertise in computer communications and automatic control. Dr. Jevtic is a senior-level program manager with 15 years of experience in technology sectors, including over six years within the semiconductor industry. He managed the development of multiple hardware and software products and has led several business groups. Dr. Jevtic holds ten patents and has published over twenty journal articles. He holds a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from University of Belgrade and Santa Clara University, respectively.

Kimihiko Iwamura
Omron Advanced Systems
Mr. Iwamura has been leading OAS since 1996 as general manager and president. He has extensive business relationships among major corporations and financial institutions in Japan, as well as startup companies and venture capital firms in Silicon Valley. Mr. Iwamura is a fund management and cross-border business development professional, with over 12 years of experience in both investing with venture capital firms, and arranging strategic alliances in Silicon Valley. Previously, he was with Fuji Xerox for more than 15 years as a strategic planning manager. Mr. Iwamura holds a B.S. in physics from International Christian University in Tokyo.

Eileen Lento, Ph.D.
PASCO Scientific
Currently, Dr. Lento is the Director of Learning Technologies for PASCO Scientific. Prior to PASCO, she was an Assistant Professor of Research in the Learning Sciences, Northwestern University. She served as the Project Manager for several large-scale grants to include: the Center for Learning Technologies in Urban Schools (LeTUS-NSF), the Learning through Collaborative Visualization Project (CoVis-NSF), the Living Curriculum Project (NSF), the Reality Based Learning Project (DOE), and the Access by Design Project (EDC-CCT). Prior to the aforementioned work, she headed teacher and curriculum development for the projects. Her research interests include technology integration into teaching and learning processes and the design of learning environments.

Fred Martin, Ph.D.
University of Massachusetts at Lowell
Fred Martin is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at UMass Lowell. As a research scientist at the MIT Media Laboratory, Dr. Martin developed a series of educational robotics materials that laid foundation for the LEGO Mindstorms Robotics Invention System. In 2000, he published Robotic Explorations: A Hands-On Introduction to Engineering (Prentice-Hall), a textbook that supports college-level courses based on mobile robot design projects. Dr. Martin also co-founded Gleason Research with his wife Wanda Gleason, a robotics company that consults on educational projects. He is a founding engineer for Ipsil, Inc. a privately held start-up company in Cambridge, MA. Homepage

Michael Mills, Ph.D.
Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning
Michael Mills is cognitive scientist with 17 years experience in interface, product design and user studies. He has a track record of innovation and accomplishment in real-world interface development, product design and teaching. While principal scientist at Apple Computer, he was instrumental in the development of QuickTime and QuickTimeVR. At IDEO product development, he was lead interaction designer for 3COM's Audrey information appliance. As tenured professor at NYU he developed The Active Eye interactive software for teaching visual perception and has taught courses on computational media, computer graphics and research methods. He holds several interface design patents in digital video and has authored many articles on interface design. Homepage

Charlie Patton, Ph.D.
SRI International, Center for Technology in Learning
Early in his career, Charlie Patton was struck with a compelling vision of how handheld devices could be designed to radically democratize access to the concepts of mathematics. In 1982, he took this vision to Hewlett-Packard Co., home of the first scientific calculator. Since that time, at HP, with Texas Instruments, through NSF grants, and now, at SRI, he has been fully engaged in researching, fostering, and inventing the future of handhelds in education, including the first symbolic handhelds, the HP-28C and successors, that changed forever the ground rules for the teaching of calculus and algebra. Dr. Patton has authored 4 books, numerous articles, and currently holds 13 final and pending patents in handheld software systems, wireless networking, and digital rights management, with several more in preparation. At CTL, Dr. Patton is helping build a technology bridge from research to practice, while fostering the uptake of learning science insights in a number of SRI's technology programs.

Tom Prudhomme, Ph.D.
UIUC/NCSA, Division Director, Cybercommunities
Grid computing technologies offer professional and research communities a revolutionary new mode of operation. The Cybercommunities Division of NCSA is leading the way by building and transforming these communities of practice and by applying and extending the Grid infrastructure. Any technology is hampered from the start if its implementation ignores the human side of the human/technology interaction-not only on the individual level, but also within the dynamics of larger groups. By forming close partnerships with selected communities, Cybercommunities ensures they are served by an innovative and effective Grid-based environment, developed and implemented through an understanding not only of the newest technology, but also of the human processes related to collaboration, learning, and knowledge sharing. Tom directs this NCSA Division and the NEESgrid Project (http://www.neesgrid.org/) , a major grid computing initiative funded by the National Science Foundation, which is linking earthquake researchers across the U.S. with leading-edge computing resources and research equipment, allowing collaborative teams to plan, perform, and publish their experiments.

Roy Pea, D. Phil., Oxon
Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning
Roy Pea is Professor of Education and the Learning Sciences at Stanford University, Co-Director of the Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning, and Director of a new PhD Program in Learning Sciences and Technology Design. Since 1981, Dr. Pea has been active in exploring, defining, and researching new issues in how information technologies can fundamentally support and advance learning and teaching, with particular focus on topics in science, mathematics, technology education. Particular areas of interest are computer-supported collaborative and on-line community learning, uses of digital video for learning research and teacher education, scientific visualization, and pervasive learning with wireless handheld computers. He has published over 110 chapters and articles on cognition, education, and learning technologies, and was co-author of the 2000 National Academy Press volume, How People Learn. With NAE President Bill Wulf, he has been chairing a joint National Academy of Sciences/National Academy of Engineering Committee on Improving Learning with Information Technology. Before coming to Stanford, Dr. Pea was director of the Center for Technology in Learning at SRI International. He also founded the Learning Sciences Ph.D. program at Northwestern University, and served as dean of the School of Education and Social Policy. Homepage

Bill Sandoval, Ph.D.
UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies
Center for Embedded Network Sensing
Dr. Sandoval's research examines the following areas and how they relate to one other: (1) Children's ideas about how science is done and what scientific knowledge is, and how these ideas influence their efforts to learn science; (2) Teachers' ideas about how science is done and what scientific knowledge is, and how these ideas influence their science teaching; (3) The role technology can play in mediating science learning and teaching in classrooms, especially in supporting meaningful scientific inquiry; and (4) Understanding how innovative designs for education can help us develop better theories of learning and better educational practice. He is collaboratively pursuing these issues using CENS's embedded networked ("in-situ") sensing technology for habitat monitoring and seismic sensing over the next several years, so that grade 7-12 students can, using Inquiry Modules, remotely observe complex systems in nature, by pursuing their questions through creation of new experiments that direct networked sensors to collect data in a way they have designed. Each Inquiry Module is developed by focused, collaborative teams including domain experts, grade-level teachers, educational researchers with experience developing and studying inquiry-based learning environments, and information scientists experienced in integrating complex data and interactive tools into curricula. Homepage

Nancy Songer, Ph.D.
University of Michigan
Nancy Songer is an Associate Professor of Science Education and Educational Technology at the University of Michigan. Her current research focuses on in-depth investigations of the educational potential and realities of innovative technologies for reform-based science education. Recent awards include being named a 1995 Presidential Faculty Fellow by the National Science Foundation and the White House, and the 1995 Early Career Research Award by the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST). Dr. Songer currently directs the Kids as Global Scientists project (www.onesky.umich.edu), a WWW-based curricular/software program currently implemented in 90 world-distributed middle school locations. Homepage

Lori Takeuchi
Stanford University
Lori Takeuchi is a second-year doctoral student in the Learning Sciences and Technology Design (LSTD) program at Stanford. Lori has been involved in the WILD research projects and is currently the Program Advisor for Stanford's Learning, Design, & Technology (LDT) Masters Program. Before coming to Stanford, Lori produced middle-school science software for companies including BBN, Logal Software, and Riverdeep Interactive Learning. She received a master's degree in Technology in Education from Harvard, before which she worked in instructional television at Thirteen/WNET in New York.

Janet Fouts
The Exploratorium